My Pussy, My Choice. A note from the owner.

January 20, 2017 is the day the 45 President of the United States is inaugurated into office. And the team at The White Unicorn are concerned for the next 4 years. Donald Trump has promised to remove the Affordable Care Act, defund Planned Parenthood and turn the supreme court into a majority of conservative pro-lifers. He has said that he wants to punish women for having an abortion. In addition, to numerous sexist and racist remarks.
The White Unicorn was founded on the idea that women are sexual creatures and should be aloud to express themselves in this way. Women should experience the same enjoyment out of sex as a man. We should be aloud to wear what we want. We should be allowed to talk about sex openly. But most importantly, we have the right to choose what happens to our bodies. Whether, you choose to be on birth control and what kind, or if you choose to have an abortion.
The White Unicorn team will be marching in the Women March of NYC tomorrow in support of women rights. There are marches scheduled all over the country, you can find out more information here. We hope that by marching, we can make of voices heard that women deserve the same rights and respect as any man. We deserve affordable health care, excellent options for birth control and the right to choose to have an abortion.
In addition to the march. We have designed a few select t-shirts that a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Planned Parenthood. By purchasing these items, you not only are helping out Planned Parenthood you are supporting women's rights.
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